I did my digital story on my hike up Mount Fuji with my family. All of the pictures were taken from my Facebook, and the music was taken from Bluelaguna.net but was written by Junya Nakano.
There were a couple of snags that I hit with this story, though. I could not seem to figure out why my narration was echoing so much! I decided to just let it be since I was talking about a mountain, and I thought an echoing would be appropriate for that kind of a subject. Also, I few of my picture effects did not take. I tried to put in the "Earthquake" effect for the pictures of the descent to help emphasize the mood, but it did not come out in the final video.
Also, something I tried to do with the music was set each piece to the mood that I was feeling during the climb. "Welcome Elder Sage Mica" was used to sort of make Mount Fuji look glorious and grandiose while we were ascending. "Those Who Come Closer" gives more of an subtle urgency and foreboding as we descended the mountain, though. Mount Fuij looks majestic going up, but when going down, it actually looks pretty scary and barren! Toward the bottom of the hike, I picked a song like "Daughter of the Grand Summoner" to be a little more peaceful. The songs come in that order in the video. And when you hear them, yes they're a little dorky because they're from a video game, Final Fantasy X...
The echo was most likely due to your volume being up too high when you were recording. Great description of the story on your post - this definitely added some background for me to know what you were trying to accomplish. Looks like a fun trip! Good job.